Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year

Hello and Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday season. Now it's back to the grindstone. But at least you get my happy animal-filled posts again. I have decided to remain at Back to Nature this semester and I will continue to work on Saturdays. So look forward to many more posts!

There were a lot of people in on Saturday the 7th to work. It was amazing. I wasn't even on the schedule, but of course I stayed to help anyway. I took over the reptiles from Carissa, which is super easy. And since that was my only charge for the day there was no rush and I got to spend some time with the animals.

Spike got a tent of thick comforters hanging around his heating lamp at the top of his rock cave. I scaled the faux-plastic like a mountain-climbing pro and sat down next to the big guy. At first he was a little shocked by my entering without knocking (very rude of me, I know) but I think he accepted my apology after a few pets. He really seemed to enjoy them, don't you think?

Spike and his tanning lamp

It was fun saying hello to the other volunteers/interns walking by from the top of the rock cave. They would look around the enclosure for me, then were all surprised when they noticed I was sitting up near the ceiling. Tickled me pink. I must have spent a good 20 minutes with Spike. Poor guy doesn't get a lot of attention. At least I was there to help out some guests that wanted to see Spike. Since he was hidden away in his tent no one could see him, so I held the comforters away for a few minutes while the guests took pictures and admired Spike.

"Ahhh... That's the spot."

After this I found out that Stacey and a few of the other volunteers were learning (from Debbie) how to process a deer, so I ran around back to see. The deer had accidentally caught itself in a fence but by the time Debbie and Stacey got to it to help, the poor thing had broken its own neck and died. At least we could give the deer's death a purpose and use his body for the enrichment of our animals. Unfortunately I missed most of the processing. I came in time to watch the brain get removed, which I helped out with minimally by looking up how to do it on Jeannie's fancy smartphone. I have pictures, but I won't post them here in case someone has a sensitive stomach.

Afterwards I went to go prepare diets for Kelly's squirrels. Kelly was called away to do a tour, so she asked me to tend to her babies and I was more than happy to help. A little scared though, since Joe can be a little aggressive. But that's just because he's startled by new people (I think). I was lucky in that he was more interested in the tasty platter of food I brought than in nipping at me.

Lunch time for Angel and Joe

There wasn't anything else to do except finish with the reptiles, which didn't take long at all. I then spent some time drying and putting away clean dishes while chatting with Jason, who was washing the dirty ones. It was a slow easy day with lots of people to talk and have fun with. I can't believe I've been with Back to Nature over 6 months now. It has been an amazing experience and I feel lucky to continue volunteering with them.

My next installment should be fun. The new interns started this week, so I should see new people on Saturday. Hopefully I'll see some KMWC friends.

The Wild Dimes has Fainted!

Vash sleeping silly against my leg

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