Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reason for Hiatus

I'm sorry that I haven't been making my regular weekly posts about my adventures. I have still been going to BTN, it's just that I have lost my microSD adapter and therefore I cannot move pictures from my phone to my computer. I have just ordered a new one that should get here next week, so expect a real update soon!

I don't remember everything that happened between now and my last post, so I won't put up full stories. What I'll try to do is a big photo gallery with short descriptions of what was happening in the photos.

I am sad to tell you that Winnie, BTN's beautiful Bald Eagle died the morning of November 26th, 2011. I'm sorry to say I didn't get to take many pictures of her before then. Rest in peace Winnie.

See you all again soon.

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