Saturday, August 20, 2011

First Day Back!

Let me tell you how excited I was to get up at 7am again.


What an exhausting first day back! I did the usual dragging of my feet while I walked in, but this time I had Vash with me at least. My little baby Vash! He went back to his auntie Stacey today. I was supposed to have a new roomie move in today, so I didn't want her risk her freaking out over an illegal cat. Not that anyone could hate that adorable face. Still, I'm always uber careful. But I miss him!

So. My day. A list was made (per usual) and I got assigned the Flight Cages and the Lemurs. Yay lemurs! I've only done them once before. How exciting!

Nothing new about the kids in the flight cages. I took a moment to admire Cookie's (Turkey Vulture) feathers. I love the depth of the purples on the black. It's very beautiful. I think Colombo (Great Horned Owl) missed me. His hissing was extra tsundere today. It was like, "Where have you been, baka? I thought you got yourself killed. Feh." My Colombo loves me. Especially when I give him a bath.

In Kenny and Mogua's (Barred Owls) cage I noticed that branch below their usual perch had been lowered. I figured it was so that Mogua could use it like a ramp in case she fell. She's a very old bird. But beautiful! She was perched at the front of the cage all day long so she could be admired. Even old ladies are allowed their vanity. Except she was quite peeved at me when I accidentally misted her with the hose while I was trying to clean the perch she was on. This is what she looked like pre-hissy fit.

Winnie (Bald Eagle) and I did our usual dance today. I go left and she moves right, I move right and she goes left. Around and around we go! Where we stop: When I'm done cleaning. She seemed huffy when I left after raking. Kind of like, "Where's mah chicken necks, biach?!" Yes, that's what I imagine she's like. Lots of attitude and sauce.

Afterwards, I realized it was only 10:30am. UGH. I had only been there for an hour and a half! This day seemed to last forever. So I took an early lunch break to enjoy my greek yogurt and sandwich. And of course a bottle of water. Aaahhh water, the sweet mana of life. You have never tasted more delicious than after hours of work in a sweltering summer. Just as I was about to go back to work, Stacey asked me to train the new guy (Scott) in how to do the Squirrels. 5 minutes into his training, I was roped into feeding baby squirrels. Please, put me back on training. PLEASE!!!!! No? Drat. Here ensued 2 hours of feeding baby squirrels at a painfully slow rate. At least this guy (a newbie) ate pretty adorably. I couldn't get him to lay like the normal babies do.

Cue torrential downpour. True to Florida weather, the skies opened up with hardly any warning and unloaded a big bucket of water on us. Cue scrambling to get all of the babies inside. Of course I ran to Vash first to get his cage inside. The squirrels can handle a little water, but my baby acts like he's being tortured to death with every bath!

And continuing in typical Florida fashion, the downpour ended a mere 10 minutes later. Nothing but blue skies. Thanks, Sunshine State.

LOOK! AN EMU EGG!!! I thought it was an avocado. Thanks to Javier for showing it to me!

I made a quick pit-stop at the bathroom, and on my way I overheard Gary, Christie and Jeannie talking in Zema's perimeter cage. Apparently, I really gotta get my butt on down to Ikea! The prices are low and the food is great! Thanks for the advice guys! As soon as my mom gives me the go-ahead, I'll go get some stuff for the new house. :D
Bad news, though. Zema isn't doing too well. His back legs seem to be really bothering him (arthritis) and he didn't touch his fresh deer haunch. He loves deer! But we figured he was worked up because Gary was using some  power machine to clean nearby. Hopefully the big man gets better!!

Now it was time for the Lemurs. And I didn't have to get locked into their enclosure this time! Stacey let me borrow her keys. Well, I still locked myself in. But I had keys to get myself out! No more waiting for someone to let me out. (The Lemurs are smart enough to escape if we don't lock the door behind us) I feel so responsible and trusted! T___T Anyway, there are no pictures because I left everything (phone, car keys, sunglasses) by the Baby Room because the Lemurs have supple hands and they can grab stuff very easy. I wouldn't want Lemur teeth marks on my phone screen. So sorry guys. But I will post an old one of Honeybear!

 And then I was DONE! Time for a hot shower and some tylenol! Or so I thought.

Once more I was shanghaied into feeding baby squirrels. Curse my patience and my steady hand! At least the little bitty babies are cute (and easy to handle.)

On my way home at 4:30pm. It was a long but entertaining day, as always.

See you next week!

The Wild Dimes has fainted!

P.S. Ew Vash. EW.

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